Recap May 22 - Bible Trivia

On the last day of Sunday School this year we learned fun facts about the Bible. We then played a Bible Trivia Quiz game on the website, Kahoot, which is one of the tools the kids have used for online school. It's been a great Sunday School year and we will celebrate this coming Wednesday, May 25 with a Drive-Thru Ice Cream part in the St. James parking lot.

Next up for the kids: VBS on June 22 - save the date!


Recap May 15 - Paul's Letters

Paul traveled to many different places to preach the good news about Jesus. When he was not able to be there in person, he would write letters. Twenty-one letters, called Epistles, make up most of the New Testament of the Bible, and thirteen of those letters were written by Paul. God wants us to share his message with everyone just as Paul did. For our craft today we wrote a pen pal letter and addressed it to one of our fellow Sunday School students. By this time next week each of the kids should receive a letter in the mail!

Recap May 1 - Jesus Appears to His Disciples

After hearing about how Peter denied knowing Jesus last week, we continued the story this week by hearing what happened later, in John 21:1-19. Jesus appeared to his Disciples on the lakeshore and helped them catch many fish. When they came to shore, he cooked breakfast for them. After breakfast Jesus talked to Peter. He told him that he forgave him for denying that he knew him, and asked Peter to “feed his sheep.” Peter went on to talk to many people about Jesus after that and help build the church. Our craft today was a cotton ball sheep.


Recap April 17 - Easter Sunday

We picked up where we left off last week and reviewed the events that happened after the Last Supper, and then celebrated the good news that Jesus is risen! We made several crafts today: a sticker scene of the empty tomb, a mini egg-shaped booklet about the story of Easter and a sunrise cross. We also did a folding craft to make our ticket to heaven. You can make one too if you follow the instructions on the .pdf posted here!


Recap April 10 - Palm Sunday/The Last Supper

On Palm Sunday we talked about Holy Week events, with a special focus on The Last Supper. We heard how Jesus shared a final Passover meal with His disciples, after which He instituted the sacrament of Holy Communion by sharing bread and wine with them. In their craft packets the kids found samples of foods that are served at Passover meals today, including matzo. For our craft we made communion “bread” and chalices out of Play-Doh and constructed a 3-D Last Supper scene.

Recap April 3 - Mary Anoints Jesus

The story today from John 12:1-8 tells about a time right after Jesus visited Mary and Martha and raised their brother Lazarus from the dead. Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet to anoint him. This was symbolic of blessing or protection and Mary spared no expense to show her love for Jesus. Mary honored Jesus, then Jesus showed honor to us by giving us the most priceless gift of all, His life.

ReCap March 27 - The Prodigal Son

Today’s story from Luke 15:11-32 is a parable that Jesus told to teach about forgiveness – both how God forgives us and how we can forgive others. Our craft today was a “Welcome Home” sign made from popsicle sticks to remind us of how happy the father in the story was to welcome home and forgive his son.


Attached is a pic of the class, along with a picture of our craft.