Eighty Years of Raising Our Voice in Praise


On this coming Sunday, we will be celebrating eighty years of St. James Lutheran’s ministry in the Savage/Burnsville community. We will do it in grand style with our Festival Choir, a brass ensemble, organ and piano, and soloists. Worship begins with a bell fanfare and a full procession organized by Pastor Nancy Connor. Throughout worship there will be special prayers written by Vicar Sherri Lawrence. It will be inspiring and uplifting as we praise God for being faithful to our community over the years.

Last week, the Strategic Planning Team presented results of this past summer’s congregational vitality survey. I am glad that we had a large group turn out to hear the presentation of results. Be on the look out on the St. James website for additional information from this team as it seeks to discover, discern, and plan the next chapter in the history of this church. We desire everyone’s input in the work of figuring out where God wants us to go. Your feedback is extremely valuable.

In the multiple congregational surveys from the past decade, one of the consistent things that we have heard is a deep appreciation for music ministry. It remains one of the strengths of our congregation and our worship. I am grateful for all who lend their musical talents of voice and instrument. We are so blessed to have dedicated and talented musicians provide leadership to this critical area of ministry. Thank you Barb, Kari, Barb, Kjersten, and Jan. Special thanks go to our Minister of Music, Kelvin Miller, who has guided this ministry for half of St. James history. Throughout the month of September, we will share appreciation at the end of worship for our music.

I hope that you can join me in worship on Sunday to celebrate this milestone in the life of our community. Following the 9:30 a.m. worship, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a Pancake feed. We have invited Chris Cakes, a traveling restaurant, to serve up the flapjacks. They will bring their automatic pancake machine and flip the pancakes onto your plate. It is dinner and a show! I’m sure that we’ll have fun while we fill our tummies. Be sure to come - there is no charge as this event is being funded through our regular generous giving.

See you in worship!

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt