Before You Know It - Easter Will Be Here


With all the beautiful weather that we have been having, it is hard to believe that the weather people are forecasting significant snow in the next couple of days. Only in Minnesota! I suppose the best that we can do is to let it get it out of its system.

Maybe it has been the heavy winter or the quick start to spring or the way that the school breaks fell this year, but I have to make a confession - Palm Sunday has snuck up on me. Perhaps this is true for you as well. In just a week’s time, we will be in Holy Week and at the doorstep of Easter. Next week, I will share more about the incredible opportunities that Holy Week affords us to worship. For now, mark your calendars - Palm Sunday (8 and 9:30 am), Maundy Thursday (April 18, noon and 7:30 p.m.), and Good Friday (April 19, children at 10 am., noon, and 7:30 p.m.)

With Easter right around the corner, the time is running out on our Lent/Easter Offering. To date, we have gathered just over a third of the money that we need to close the gap between where our annual pledges are and our actual expenses. Each year, our seasonal offerings have played a critical role in funding ministry that benefits all ages and goes beyond our doors to share God’s love.

I want to share a word of thanks to everyone who has already made a financial contribution to support ministry at St. James. If you are not yet part of this group, fear not, there is still time. Thank you for considering a gift that will strengthen the important work that we do together in Jesus’s name.

You may bring your gift with you as you come tomorrow night for the last of the mid-week Wednesday Holden Evening Prayer worships for this Lent, or maybe on Palm Sunday. On Sunday, during the 11:00 a.m. Faith Formation Hour, confirmation students will be sharing their faith statements with us all. Worship and Faith Formation are just two of the areas that are made possible through our generosity.

As we have much to be thankful for when we consider our church home, may we be bold in sharing gifts that will allow St. James to continue and grow in the building and deepening of loving relationships with God, with each other, and with our neighbor.

See you in worship -

Pastor Walt